Our eyes are our most expressive facial feature, also called the “window to the soul,” so it’s no wonder why we would strive to keep them looking their best. When eyelids begin to droop or lack definition, it’s now possible to restore a more youthful and alert appearance with eyelid surgery (called blepharoplasty). Eyelid blepharoplasty is performed at Ogden Clinic by a trained eyelid surgery doctor to remove and tighten excess skin on the upper eyelid. It can also be used to improve vision in patients by removing the obstructed field of view that sagging skin may cause.

What can I expect during eyelid blepharoplasty at Ogden Clinic?

Ogden Clinic dermatology offers upper eyelid surgery at our Ogden area clinic created to enhance the appearance of the eyes and help patients regain confidence. During surgery, Dr. Tingey makes incisions in the natural folds of each eyelid, particularly in the crease of the upper eyelid. Most blepharoplasties are performed under local anesthesia, although Dr. Tingey also offers IV sedation for this procedure. After anesthesia is administered, your Dr. Tingey removes excess tissue from the creased area. The two open areas are carefully joined together after skin is excised.

Recovery and aftercare

Dr. Tingey and his staff will make sure that you understand what to expect after eyelid surgery at Ogden Clinic and how to follow up on self-care. Some patients experience mild discomfort during recovery, coupled with swelling or redness. This is normal and non-prescription pain relievers may be taken to reduce pain.

There may be special instructions for patients who wear glasses or contact lenses. Schedule a consultation today to discover if upper eyelid blepharoplasty may be an option for you!

Call today to schedule an appointment for an upper eyelid lift at Ogden Clinic!